Monday, 1 February 2010

Nvidia driver installation gives dpkg divert errors when attempting to upgrade

While attempting to upgrade to 195 from 190.22 from the nvidia repositories I was cut short during installation by dpkg-divert errors. Much hair ripping and table bashing ensued during my vain attempts to find a solution, the answer however did eventually surface here.

Essentially older drivers had pointed some packages to different ones as part of its installation routine, installing newer packages with different diverts did not also upgrade where these packages pointed. Running the following commands in the terminal fixed this:

sudo dpkg-divert --remove --rename --package nvidia-glx-185 --divert /usr/lib/nvidia/ /usr/lib/
sudo dpkg-divert --remove --rename --package nvidia-glx-185 --divert /usr/lib/nvidia/ /usr/lib/
sudo dpkg-divert --remove --rename --package nvidia-glx-185 --divert /usr/lib/nvidia/ /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
sudo dpkg-divert --remove --rename --package nvidia-glx-185 --divert /usr/lib/nvidia/ /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
A guide to actually adding the Nvidia repo and installing these drivers can be found at Ubuntu Geek.

There appears to have been some confusion between – and - as symbols used in the code block here, if one doesn't work, please attempt to replace all instances of one with the other, and try again.

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